GoCo Health Innovation City

A quick chat with Community Manager Moa Dicksdotter

With the first stop of our Ticket to Ride Nordics Tour coming up soon, we dedicate this newsletter to getting to know the local partners in Gothenburg and Oslo. And to explain the purpose of this tour. The idea behind it is simple - to bring Nordic life science hot spots together. We believe that if we can help create ONE Nordic labour market within life sciences, more talent will be attracted to come here, in addition to enabling a larger pool of clients and candidates to be matched within the Nordics. As Haeger&Carlsson is rapidly expanding its international network of clients and candidates, we follow the interest for our corner of the world first hand. Critical mass is important. And together we can get more traction of both human and financial capital. This is what lead us to create The Ticket to Ride Tour, it is just as much about connecting internationally as it is to bringing our Nordic hubs and clusters together through the movement of people and capital. Western Sweden and Oslo are already well on track to create collaboration opportunities together, so this is where we will be heading first as we get on the train, with the Gothenburg event on the 25th of January followed by a sister event in Oslo on 15th of February.

Ticket to Ride Nordics – First stop Gothenburg

GoCo Health Innovation is a dynamic hub focused on collaboration and co-creation within the Life Science industry. Situated in Gothenburg and with strategic ownership ties to urban city developer Next Step Group and Stockholm-based Vectura Fastigheter, GoCo is uniquely positioned to foster innovation and connectivity within the Nordic region.

In this interview, we delve into GoCo’s interactions with other hot spots in the Nordics, its success in attracting businesses, strategies for talent attraction, and the potential benefits of a more unified Nordic approach. Join us as we explore the vibrant ecosystem of GoCo Health Innovation City and its role in shaping the future of health solutions.

People attract people

GoCo being all about collaboration in various forms with physical premises built to spur co-creation in various ways, how do you interact with other hot spots in the Nordics?

GoCo Health Innovation is partly owned by Next Step Group, an urban city developer in Gothenburg, and partly owned by Vectura Fastigheter, located in Stokholm. Our owners are creating Life Science clusters all over the country and that gives GoCo Health Innovation a strong connection with other hot-spots. We are also part of a global network called TIM (Twin International MultiHelix) that allows us to interact beyond boarders. 

Your ambitions when it comes to attracting business to establish themselves at GoCo are high.How is that coming along?

It’s coming along really well. We have a little more than 70 companies here at GoCo today, and more companies on their way. What they all have in common, besides the Life Science industry, is the willingness to collaborate across organizational boarders, to learn from each other and find new solutions for tomorrow’s health challenges. 

Turning to talent attraction, how is the influx of talent to your cluster? Any strategies to stay ahead? 

People attract people. GoCo Health Innovation City attract talents to the companies located here because of the exciting innovations taking place here. By coming to GoCo you can find unexpected collaborations and people are willing to share knowledge and experiences. The companies are all located in beautiful facilities and open environments that encourage creativity. Several companies located at GoCo have already experienced an increased influx of talents since relocating to the new city center. 

We truly believe in collaborations and the power of people. We will continue to foster an innovative culture, that will be our strategy to attract talents in the future.  

How would it benefit GoCo as such if the Nordics would function more as one region, from a financial and talent attraction perspective? 

We are stronger together and we are more attractive together. By collaborating and functioning as one region we are better suited to attract highly skilled talents from across the globe. By showcasing the multitude of career possibilities, people are keener on relocating to the Nordics.