Executive Search in Life Science
The need of highly qualified leaders who drive the company forward is a success factor for every organisation. Specific professional experience, high integrity and excellent communication skills are also required. As an executive search company specialised in life science, Haeger & Carlsson has many years of experience in finding exceptional candidates for board and management positions. We make sustainable recruitments with a long-term perspective, ensuring a perfect match between the candidate and the company. This approach contributes to the sustainable success of our clients’ businesses.
Our expertise
We have many years of experience in the recruitment of board members for public and private companies in the Pharma, Biotech and Medtech industries throughout the Nordic region. Those of us who work at Haeger & Carlsson have cutting-edge expertise in Life Science. We have held leading positions, such as a CEO or a board member, in Pharma, Biotech and Medtech. Therefore, we understand the challenges and opportunities facing our clients and know what it takes to succeed in each specific position. In the more than 20 years that have passed since our inception, we have established an extensive and solid network, allowing us to reach numerous relevant and skilled candidates.
” We have truly appreciated working with Haeger & Carlsson. You have shown dedication and acquainted yourselves with our company, who we are, what we stand for and what we are looking for. You work independently and with great knowledge, which means that you provide considerable relief and are a good adviser to us. In tricky situations, you reason with great insight and generously share your experience. And, of course, you never give up until the right candidate has been found.”
– Camilla Huse Bondesson, Chairman of the board, Immuneed and board member of several Life Science companies
Our Executive Search process
All our clients have in common that they are not only looking for highly skilled employees, but also for people who fit well into the company’s culture and the given situation. Our unique skills-based recruitment process helps us identify the right candidates for your company.
Throughout our executive search process, we always strive to make a sustainable recruitment with a long-term perspective. We analyse your corporate structure and culture as well as your requirements and expectations for the position, which allows us to introduce you to the ideal candidate. We also carry out assessments and background checks and take references on the final candidate. Our cooperation does not end when an agreement has been signed with the candidate; we keep working with you continuously to evaluate the result.
Our most recent Life Science Executive recruitments
Biotech/CDO in Stockholm
a public research company in
Board recruitment
A listed immune-oncology
Pharma company in Oslo
A public research company in
Medtech in
A public research company
with global ambitions
CRO in Uppsala
A services provider in
Nordic Country Manager
An affiliate to a US-based
Biotech company
Interested in executive search
Rolf Carlsson, CEO/Founder, Senior Executive Search
+46 (0)70 – 316 12 68
Anna Wikman, Senior Recruitment Manager/Partner
+46 (0)73 – 539 33 87
Recruitment of leaders and specialists within Life Science since 1997.
We are a properly qualified cooperative partner with extensive experience in recruitment. We have a proper understanding and knowledge of marketing, sales, research, medicine and technology. We are well versed in leadership and organisational issues specific to Life Science. We understand the importance of balancing the organisation’s expectations and objectives with the individual’s wishes and well-being.
Induction Programme
Give your new employee an excellent beginning in their new position. You only get one chance to make a first impression!
With a systematic and properly considered three-month plan, your new employee can get started and find their feet in their new role right from the outset. The induction programme should be planned before the employee’s first day at work.
At Haeger & Carlsson, we follow a properly thought-out strategy. It is based on years of experience in leading positions within the pharmaceutical industry and our knowledge of what it takes to be a successful and productive employee. We work with you to device a clear plan and help the employee with its implementation. The induction programme saves time for the organisation and gives your new employee the best possible start.
The Recruitment Process
As our client, you decide the degree of involvement you need from us. Together, we then create a recruitment solution that is tailored to your specific needs.
Successful recruitments take time; we are objective in our assessment and partner with you throughout the entire process. We remain in touch with both you and the candidate after the employment agreement has been signed, to allow follow-up.
A recruitment process at Haeger & Carlsson is concrete and effective and without lowering the standards of quality and knowledge.
Haeger & Carlsson has a systematic recruitment process and a well-developed interview technique. We are not afraid of bringing up difficult issues.
Our Process, Step-by-step:
- Start-up meeting. Organization corporate culture, requirements profile, expectations, and compensation level. Timetable.
- Search and screening via multisourcing.
- Personal in-depth interviews with potential candidates
- Selection of candidates based on values, experience, and competence.
- Candidate presentation. CV and written summary.
- Client interviews candidate. Possibly case presentation.
- Personality- and capacity test of the final candidate.
- Reference taking. If necessary, background check.
- Employment. Agreement between the company and the final candidate.
- Follow-up after six months.
Both employers and candidates receive feedback continuously during the entire recruitment process.
Flexible Recruitment
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In general, we begin our discussions based on Haeger & Carlsson’s flexible recruitment. You choose the level of commitment you want from us:
- Complete search process
- Tailor-made search process
- Assessment and testing
- Background checks
- Taking references
- Induction programme
- Coaching and guidance
Feel free to contact us for more information on our tailor-made recruitment solutions:
Rolf Carlsson, CEO/Founder, Senior Executive Search Consultant
+46 (0)70 – 316 12 68
Anna Wikman, Senior Recruitment Manager/Partner
+46 (0)73 – 539 33 87
When you have a temporary need of a person with specific skills who can begin very soon.
Many reasons may give rise to a need for special skills, such as during maternity leave, organisational changes or other vacancies. Regardless of the reason and the length of the assignment, Haeger & Carlsson can find someone quickly with skills you need, without compromising on your standards of quality.
One of the many advantages of engaging an interim agency is it’s cost-effectiveness; you only pay for the hours you actually need. It is also the most flexible resource solution, as you only hire the temporary worker as an when needed – when activity hits a peak or to fill a vacancy. Perhaps you are interested in trying out an employee with a specific skill at your company. Hiring a temporary worker be a great option for an employer that seeks to keep fixed costs down.
Time Saving
Recruitment can be a time-consuming process. We prepare a requirement profile, write an advertisement, carry out interviews and make lots of decisions along the way. With our assistance, you remain free to focus on your operations. It is not easy to find the right employee, especially in today’s labour market, where competition for qualified employees is stronger than ever. With 20 years of experience in recruitment, we help you identify future candidates and minimise poor recruitments by using our structured and skills-based recruitment process.
Haeger and Carlsson takes care of all HR issues and assists you with matters such as payroll administration, coaching and follow-up with the consultant.
We also take care of all social security contributions, insurances, pensions, sick pay and holiday pay.
As our client, you only pay for the hours you actually hire the temporary worker.
Our Process, Step-by-step
- A requirement profile is prepared with the client: organisation, corporate culture, opportunities and limitations, personality and other specific requirements. A time plan is also devised.
- The search process is initiated through multiscoring.
- Interviews are held with potential candidates.
- Consultants are presented to the client.
- References are taken.
- We follow up regularly during the entire period when you use the temporary worker.
Both employers and candidates receive continuous feedback during the entire process.
Feel free to contact us for more information on our tailor-made interim solutions:
Cilla Gylfe, Head of Interim Nordics/CEO Denmark/ Partner
+46 (0)76 – 310 18 06
Assessment & Testning
Testing and personality assessments in cooperation with Target Assessment.
It can be hard to assess an individual’s potential or personality for a future role. There are many interacting factors. For this reason, occupational psychology tests provide valuable support when assessing a candidate’s performance level, personality and way of working.
Target Assessment
Target Assessment contributes to deeper knowledge and understanding of a candidate’s behaviour in work-related situations. We assist our customers with an evaluation and information on which to base the decision when recruiting managers and specialists.
For the candidate, our meeting means jointly identifying areas of development and concrete styles of working. This facilitates a smooth and effective move to a new job or field.
We carry out various personality and capacity tests, depending on the role in question. All our tests are certified, and their norm groups are up to date.
In our tests, we combine structured skills-based interviews with a professional assessment of the test results, allowing us to provide you with the best possible basis for your decision.
Target Assessment has extensive experience from the Life Science sector and an excellent understanding of the requirements of different kinds of businesses. Our cooperative partner at Target Assessment, Fredrik Lundin, has an MSc in organisational psychology and has been working with Haeger & Carlsson Executive Search since 2015. Fredrik has extensive HR experience from senior positions in major Life Science companies, including previous positions as an HR director at Johnson & Johnson and at Pfizer.
Chose the assessment solution best suited to your requirements:
MAP Personality Assessment and structured interview with in-depth personality assessment. Feedback to the candidate and the client.
MAP Personality Assessment, MATRIGMA Capacity Assessment and structured interview with in-depth personality assessment. Feedback to the candidate and the client.
MAP Personality Assessment, MATRIGMA Capacity Assesment, Hogan Personality Inventory HPI and structured interview with in-depth personality assessment. Feedback to the candidate and the client.
X Large
MAP Personality Assessment, MATRIGMA Capacity Assessment, Hogan Personality Inventory HPI, Motives Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI) and structured interview with in-depth personality assessment. Feedback to the candidate and the client.
XX large
Solution tailored to the client’s requirements. Our offering includes various cases and/or presentations, combined with a selection of assessment options.

Second Opinion
Second Opinion innebär att vi bistår vid rekrytering som neutral expert och gör en oberoende bedömning av slutkandidaterna för en specifik roll. Detta gäller både interna och externa kandidater.
For questions regarding assesment and testing, please contact:
Rolf Carlsson, Senior Executive Search Consultant/Co-founder
+46 (0)70 – 316 12 68
Anna Wikman, Senior Recruitment Manager/Partner
+46 (0)73 – 539 33 87
Leadership Training & Organisational Development
Based on the requirements of your organisation, we develop a strategy and a structure to create the best possible conditions for success.
As a strategic partner in your organisational change process, we contribute knowledge, understanding, inspiration and methods to drive a successful change process. We clarify the management team’s assignment and objectives and create efficient cooperation within the group, making use of the different perspectives, skills and experiences of the individuals.
We see two regularly recurring requirements in organisations:
A. How do I ensure that a change is sustainable and that our organisational development is for real?
With us as your strategic partner in the change process, you get:
Change management. knowledge and understanding of the strategies that cause sustainability, commitment and improved performance in your organisation;
Inspiration to manage change, resulting in tangible results for all affected stakeholders;
Structures, methods, knowledge and an appreciative approach, leading to lasting behavioural change in your organisation.
B. How do I take my management team to the next level?
The management team is the hub in the organisation’s development and stability. If the hub is out of balance, it affects the entire organisation.
We make management teams more cohesive by focusing on the areas that are key to successful management. In our assignments, we have noticed three regularly recurring areas of development:
Business focus. Is there a joint platform for the management team’s work? We clarify the assignments and objectives of the management team.
Effective cooperation. Achieve effective cooperation in the team by strengthening trust and making use of the different perspectives, skills and experiences of the individuals.
Identification of a purpose and a clear contribution. What does the management want to achieve? Not merely in financial terms, but from a more holistic standpoint. What is the purpose of the organisation? What does it contribute? What kind of corporate culture is required to achieve this?
When these factors have been determined, the management team must focus on the vision and cooperate to advance it.
To assist us in this work, we use Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT), a cultural diagnostics and evaluation tool from Barret Values Centre.
Individual Development
We use coaching to help you define what is important, set objectives and carry out what you need to do to reach the desired objectives. We know from experience that coaching also energises and motivates. Our coaching approach adheres to a basic structure that in our experience provides results.
For questions, please contact:
Rolf Carlsson, Senior Executive Search Consultant/Co-founder
+ 46 (0)70 – 316 12 68