Assessment & Testning


Testing and personality assessments in cooperation with Target Assessment.


It can be hard to assess an individual’s potential or personality for a future role. There are many interacting factors. For this reason, occupational psychology tests provide valuable support when assessing a candidate’s performance level, personality and way of working.

Target Assessment


Target Assessment contributes to deeper knowledge and understanding of a candidate’s behaviour in work-related situations. We assist our customers with an evaluation and information on which to base the decision when recruiting managers and specialists.


For the candidate, our meeting means jointly identifying areas of development and concrete styles of working. This facilitates a smooth and effective move to a new job or field.


We carry out various personality and capacity tests, depending on the role in question. All our tests are certified, and their norm groups are up to date.


In our tests, we combine structured skills-based interviews with a professional assessment of the test results, allowing us to provide you with the best possible basis for your decision.


Target Assessment has extensive experience from the Life Science sector and an excellent understanding of the requirements of different kinds of businesses. Our cooperative partner at Target Assessment, Fredrik Lundin, has an MSc in organisational psychology and has been working with Haeger & Carlsson Executive Search since 2015. Fredrik has extensive HR experience from senior positions in major Life Science companies, including previous positions as an HR director at Johnson & Johnson and at Pfizer.

Chose the assessment solution best suited to your requirements:

MAP Personality Assessment and structured interview with in-depth personality assessment. Feedback to the candidate and the client.


MAP Personality Assessment, MATRIGMA Capacity Assessment and structured interview with in-depth personality assessment. Feedback to the candidate and the client.


MAP Personality Assessment, MATRIGMA Capacity Assesment, Hogan Personality Inventory HPI and structured interview with in-depth personality assessment. Feedback to the candidate and the client.


X Large
MAP Personality Assessment, MATRIGMA Capacity Assessment, Hogan Personality Inventory HPI, Motives Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI) and structured interview with in-depth personality assessment. Feedback to the candidate and the client.


XX large
Solution tailored to the client’s requirements. Our offering includes various cases and/or presentations, combined with a selection of assessment options.


Second Opinion


Second Opinion innebär att vi bistår vid rekrytering som neutral expert och gör en oberoende bedömning av slutkandidaterna för en specifik roll. Detta gäller både interna och externa kandidater.

For questions regarding assesment and testing, please contact:


Rolf Carlsson, Senior Executive Search Consultant/Co-founder
+46 (0)70 – 316 12 68


Anna Wikman, Senior Recruitment Manager/Partner
+46 (0)73 – 539 33 87